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Discussion: Main Toolbar Problems

  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2009

    Main Toolbar Problems

    My main toolbar is moving around the screen every time I go through an instance barrier (like going into or out of housing). Also the character portrait in vitals gets bigger each time as well.

    I had JRR Skins installed which I thought was causing the problem. I deleted the JRR folder but still have the same problem.

    Any help would be most appreciated.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2020
    1 925
    Create a new character. Beorning is best because you can get through the introduction extremely fast.

    Test the new character: Does it exhibit the same problem? If so, report that back here in your thread.

    If not, set up your UI on that new character exactly the way you like. Log the character out, log the character back in, test it again: Is it still free of the problem you reported? If so, save that UI layout and then log into each of your other characters and load that UI layout to each of those other characters.

    To save your UI layout, use this chat command:
    /ui layout save FileName
    To load your saved UI layout, use this chat command:
    /ui layout load FileName
    FileName can be any file name you like with no spaces. Be sure it's something you can easily remember.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    juin 2011
    Citation Envoyé par Krtz Voir le message
    My main toolbar is moving around the screen every time I go through an instance barrier (like going into or out of housing). Also the character portrait in vitals gets bigger each time as well.

    I had JRR Skins installed which I thought was causing the problem. I deleted the JRR folder but still have the same problem.

    Any help would be most appreciated.
    This is not a skin issue as you noticed. The character portrait gets bigger because in the game's options, you have the portrait scale set to something different than 1.0. If you change the scale the problem will go away. Could check if changing the scale of the bars also has that effect.



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