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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2019

    Stomp-A-Shrew. Is there a cheat?

    I'm asking because I've noticed on many occasions specific characters running around stomping thirty and more shrews in every game.
    Rather annoying when there's quite a few Stompers stomping.

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2020
    1 925
    I haven’t played Stomp-a-Shrew. Are the shrews hostile targets, or interactable objects, or non-hostile like an interactable NPC? In any of those cases, a player can use a keybind for “select next mob” or “select next object” or “select next friendly” followed by a keybind for “use” (or attack if they are hostile and need to be defeated with combat). This allows a player with the two “select next x” and “use” keybinds to rapidly move from target to target, far more efficiently than a player attempting to visually spot a target and then run over to it and right-click it.

    If that’s the case, it’s not a cheat. Just players who are using the normal in-game tools in an efficient manner.

  3. #3
    Date d'inscription
    février 2023
    Citation Envoyé par Oldshagnasty Voir le message
    I'm asking because I've noticed on many occasions specific characters running around stomping thirty and more shrews in every game.
    Rather annoying when there's quite a few Stompers stomping.
    I could be totally wrong but I think some of the quests don't limit you to only stomping 10 Shrews.

  4. #4
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2018
    Citation Envoyé par PreemptiveRegret Voir le message
    I could be totally wrong but I think some of the quests don't limit you to only stomping 10 Shrews.
    The Expert level quest, you have to plant 5 seeds, but only by the time the entire game ends. To get the Deed done quicker, many just plant 4 seeds and stomp away until the game is nearly over.
    Mirkwood Elf. Champion. Events Officer of Second Breakfast, Crickhollow. Band Leader of Alt Rock Band.

  5. #5
    Date d'inscription
    mars 2019
    Citation Envoyé par Luventhariel Voir le message
    The Expert level quest, you have to plant 5 seeds, but only by the time the entire game ends. To get the Deed done quicker, many just plant 4 seeds and stomp away until the game is nearly over.
    Thanks. Never knew this. If I had, I could have spent more time drinking beer.

  6. #6
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2009
    The trick to shrew stomping is too use keybinds. I'm normally a "clicker" but for the shrew quest I set up temporary keybinds, and using those I have been able to finish the expert quest without trouble and I even am able to get the large shrew approximately once a play session.

    If you have not used keybinds before, take a look at your skill bars. They are all marked in tiny text at the corners showing you which skills are tied to which keys. I pick the skills that are tied to the - and the + keys on my num keypad. Unlock your skill bars in the options menu, then take off whatever skills are currently in those slots. When the quest ring appears, pick up the two shrew quests and then drag and drop the boots from your inventory bags onto the skill bars you just vacated. Then relock your skill bars. You about 2 minutes to do this before the stomping session starts, which should be plenty of time. Then what I do is I use my right hand to spam the shrew boot skills (- for the regular shrews and + for the big shrew) while I run around using WASD with my left hand, while also hitting TAB to target the next nearest shrew.

    Good luck shrew stomping! It's a lot more fun once you get the hang of it.

  7. #7
    Date d'inscription
    novembre 2009
    Citation Envoyé par Luventhariel Voir le message
    The Expert level quest, you have to plant 5 seeds, but only by the time the entire game ends. To get the Deed done quicker, many just plant 4 seeds and stomp away until the game is nearly over.
    Do you mean that if you don't finish the 5 seeds, then you can stomp more than 10 shrews?

  8. #8
    Date d'inscription
    juillet 2018
    Citation Envoyé par CloudCastle Voir le message
    The trick to shrew stomping is too use keybinds. I'm normally a "clicker" but for the shrew quest I set up temporary keybinds, and using those I have been able to finish the expert quest without trouble and I even am able to get the large shrew approximately once a play session.

    If you have not used keybinds before, take a look at your skill bars. They are all marked in tiny text at the corners showing you which skills are tied to which keys. I pick the skills that are tied to the - and the + keys on my num keypad. Unlock your skill bars in the options menu, then take off whatever skills are currently in those slots. When the quest ring appears, pick up the two shrew quests and then drag and drop the boots from your inventory bags onto the skill bars you just vacated. Then relock your skill bars. You about 2 minutes to do this before the stomping session starts, which should be plenty of time. Then what I do is I use my right hand to spam the shrew boot skills (- for the regular shrews and + for the big shrew) while I run around using WASD with my left hand, while also hitting TAB to target the next nearest shrew.

    Good luck shrew stomping! It's a lot more fun once you get the hang of it.
    I have three available toolbar layouts; one is offense, one defense, and one warsteed. As my main is a hunter, I don't have any buttons on the defensive one, so I just add the boots there. (Access the different layouts by clicking the small up and down arrows at the end of your main toolbar.) That last one is achieved at a certain level (100s?) so if you're not there yet, you'll have to switch some existing buttons.
    Dernière modification par Bothketbog ; 25/03/2023 à 21h01.

  9. #9
    Date d'inscription
    février 2015
    To the OP, I made this guide last year. I hope it's useful!
    Check out my LOTRO videos on Youtube at:



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