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  1. #1
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011

    Eorlingas hides Run (westemnet tier 9) farming run

    Friday 28st Feb
    7.30 PM - 9.30PM Uk time

    I am leading a kin run for Calenard (westemnet) hides this Friday night. Others are more than welcome to join us on the night as in a fellowship group/s hide farming is a lot quicker.
    All I ask is you listen to the fellowship leaders as its important to stay in proximity to each other and not wander off too far so we maximise hides per kill for all in the groups.
    Hide farming runs is something I run often in Unity kinship and this weeks its Riddermark tier but thought I would offer it here also incase others wished to come along on the night. (beer optional).

    I will be leading the run on character named Ziso so just message me for invite and if needed a summons on the night.

    Copy/paste from kin forums:

    Friday 28th Feb
    7.30 UK time to 9.30 Uk time
    West Rohan, I can summon you on night.

    Will find some good spots from the below before the run.
    Any level welcome, any profession can harvest hides as drops as loot. Unsure of any level restrictions to enter Rohan so just try on night if lower level.

    Tier 9 - Where to Farm Eorlingas hides
    For Eorlingas hides you have to go to west Rohan, which is located west of the Entwash Vale and the Sutcrofts.

    Most places have some scattered animals which drop the tier 9 Eorlingas hides. Like herd creatures as bulls, cows, stags and goats. Also places with a loth of boars are interesting for the hide farmer. If you are farming hides from animals in West Rohan, it is a good idea to do this in conjunction with the slayer deeds in this area. For example, you can combine your Eorlingas hide farming trip with the boar and bear slayer deed in this place.

    Places to hunt for a fairly good drop of Eorlingas hides are:
    •Wildermore: beasts in Wildermore will drop both Riddermark (Tier Cool and Eorlingas hides (Tier 9). Sometimes you can get even both types of hides from the same animal.
    •Kingstead and Broadacres: near the border of Kingstead and Broadacres, south of the river and east of Middlemead, you can find small groups of herd animals of bull, cows and calf.
    •Aldburg: in the fields and woods north of Aldburg are many level 88 boars which drop Eorlingas hides. Also look out for the stranger animals, like the lathbears and swert-hounds.
    •Westfold: another known place is the area outside Helm's Dike in Westfold. There are a lot of wargs, goats and aurochs here which drops your most wanted Eolingas hides. But take care, there are some uruks and scouts roaming the area and they can delay your hide-hunting party significantly.

    Deputy Leader
    Dernière modification par Ziso ; 26/02/2014 à 11h24. Motif: updated information

  2. #2
    Date d'inscription
    mai 2011
    Did not want to start a new thread so edited this one from Riddermark (last weeks run) to The new run for Eorlingas hides



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