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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Exclamation Red or Yellow Champ/Warden QUESTIONS!

    i know that red is suppose to do more DPS than yellow. i like yellow better, but i want to do t3 raids, which is wanted in t3 raids?

    Which plugin should i use to switch weapons, sequence bar can't add weapon as event to be added to shortcuts. i made 2 bars for it, but i still have to click it instead of pressing it with the keyboard. I'm a keyboard user.

    also what's my rotation for yellow and red? do i do blade attacks first, then strikes? in yellow? or red?

    which class does more DPS warden or champ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Yellow champ is pretty much the best spec atm in the game for overall usefulness in end game content. Most fights will need you to be yellow, but there are some fights where red is slightly better. Red mainly for Shelob, everything else requires at least one yellow champ.

    Most people will bind the weapon swap hotkey to something like their extra mouse buttons since those two binds are going to be the ones you use most on your champ. What I've done is just slotted my 2h and 1h to random quickslots (Ctrl+7, Ctrl+8, and Ctrl+9), and remapped two of my mouse buttons to press those combinations.

    For yellow, your single target skill priority will be something along these lines:
    1. Rend to keep the debuff and bleed refreshed (use on 2h)
    2. Ferocious Strikes, cut animation with battle frenzy (use on 2h)
    3. Brutal Strikes, cut animation with clobber (use on 2h)
    4. Keep Improved Wild Attack buff up (use on 1h)
    5. Blade Wall > Fury of Blades > Raging Blade as fillers between Fero/Brutal casts. Careful not to spend too much fervour on these skills. (use all on 1h)
    6. Swift Blade as a filler and fervour builder (2h)

    For straight-up AoE situations, it's going to be something along the lines of:
    1. Rend for debuff and bleed (2h)
    2. Keep Improved Wild Attack buff refreshed (1h)
    3. Fury of Blades > Raging Blade > Blade Wall (1h)
    4. Swift Blade for AoE bleed chance and fervour building (2h)

    All skills that I didn't mention are ones that you can take off your bars. That includes stuff like Born for Combat, Blade Storm, Bracing Attack and other lackluster skills. Horn is used when you need the stun for some reason.

    For red spec, your single target rotation is going to be pretty much the same, but you'll have better filler skills which will raise your ST dps a bit:
    1. Devastating Strike on cooldown for debuff and fervour (1h)
    2. Fero, cut with Frenzy (2h)
    3. Brutal, cut with Clobber (2h)
    4. Keep Improved Wild Attack buff up (1h)
    5. Remorseless (1h)
    6. Swift Strike (2h)

    Those are the priorities, there are some niche things to the rotations that you can learn once you get more advanced at the class and the many parse videos on youtube will help with that.

    Warden has way more ST dps potential than champ but obviously only one warden can be in the group because of bleeds overriding each other.
    Last edited by Lusikkax; Jul 28 2021 at 08:56 AM.



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