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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Ford of Bruinen Hunter Issue

    With it being one of the Ill Omens skirmishes for the day, I've now had the troll in the end repeatedly lock onto the skirmish soldier and the twins, pulling him up the hill to the NW of the map and getting stuck up there.

    Hunters need some sort of taunt or something that can redirect aggro to make the end of that skirmish more than just a roll of the dice for if you can complete it or not because the invincible troll getting locked on the twins or your soldier tends to mean that it's over at that moment and you either quit or wait for the fail to pop up when he finally gets to murdering the twins...if you're lucky and your skirmisher isn't able to outheal the thing, then it's just stuck there.

    Another thing would be to have a longer timer on the things invincibility or rework the damage immunity to still count the damage for gaining aggro as it seems to count anything from an NPC for aggro, but not a player.

  2. #2

    Not Only An Issue For Hunters, Bug Found

    During this current 2023 Ill Omens event I've been running this skirmish just fine until the last two runs. The fight mechanics are supposed to work like this:

    • Gorûrz comes from behind with a shield that gives him immunity to all attacks.
    • The player gets a notification, "The waters rise as the Bruinen roars!"
    • The river shoots a wave in the shape of horses from north to south.
    • If the player is able to line up Gorûrz with the wave, Gorûrz's immunity shield will drop.
    • The player defeats Gorûrz, collects rewards, finishes quest and skirmish.

    The second to last run, my Hunter had a horrible time getting Gorûrz's shield to drop because of the same issue as the OP. I randomly lucked into the river finally hitting him and was able to finish the skirmish. The last run I could never get the river to wipe his shield due to bad luck and stuns and then river stopped sending waves, thus making it impossible to finish. The mechanics of how this is supposed to be done is known, but it bugged out. If I could make a suggestion, especially for solo runs, make the wave wider or better yet, add a timer to the immunity shield in the event that it takes too long for the player to successfully have a wave hit the boss. Bug report sent and hopefully SSG can take a took into this

    EDIT: Just wanted to point out that because the Harbinger appears well before the final boss fight, it did not affect the Ill Omens event, but still was annoying to not be able to finish the skirmish
    Landroval - The Alliance kinship of The Alliance Gaming Community
    “Take me with you. For laughs, for luck, for the unknown. Take me with you.” - Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    This problem was reported many times, amount of morale for NPC and their poor AI was source of many fails during some skirmish battles. And still SSG ignore that problems

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Elmagor View Post
    This problem was reported many times, amount of morale for NPC and their poor AI was source of many fails during some skirmish battles. And still SSG ignore that problems
    I find it interesting to read that. As far as lvl 140 characters with base level appropriate gear on T1, the only problem I've ever noticed is with The Ford of Bruinen and only with the previously mentioned boss. I'm aware that Defence of the Prancing Pony can sometimes spawn a ridiculous random boss, but I have never experienced it myself. A couple skirmishes have had loading and hanging issues from time to time, but it never caused it to fail for me.

    Amount of morale: When distracted on my 2nd monitor I have let a few NPCs die, but that was on me, not because they had morale issues. But if you mean the enemies don't have enough morale and are too easy, sure lol.

    Poor AI: I can't say I've ever had an issue with poor AI on a NPC. Poor AI on enemies is basically non-existent. Poor AI on any skirmish soldier that is designed to be in front of the player? Sure! I've witnessed Protector and Bannerguard skirmish soldiers fall off cliffs and die so many times that I only use skirmish soldiers that follow now. Yes, I know Herbalist is the best skirmish soldier, but let's be real, skirmishes are so easy you don't need a Herbalist for every character class and it's fun to mix things up. Shoot, some classes don't even need a skirmish soldier. For higher tiers, it would be nice to see skirmish soldiers get some love though.

    Anyways, hopefully SSG can and will revisit all of the skirmishes and make appropriate tweaks to tighten things up. Personally, I find skirmishes fun from solo all the way to skraids
    Landroval - The Alliance kinship of The Alliance Gaming Community
    “Take me with you. For laughs, for luck, for the unknown. Take me with you.” - Peter S. Beagle, The Last Unicorn



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