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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    PROPOSAL: Coalitiion of kins for transfer

    It is official for 5 servers being left up. Brandywine is staying. Given that Crickhollow, and Gladden are likely to be around, chances are our Silverlode will be going.

    Many of us know people outside of our own kins. For myself, I have run with Triump, Hispania in the past, Band of Red Hand, Strayhold when it was active, and well etc etc etc.
    A bunch of us have friends in other kins. Chances are given that Brandywine will not be a transfer destination that 25 % of us will end up on the same server.
    How many of you would miss people in other kins? Though i have not led groups much lately because of things that
    happened this year I wish not to explain, in the past when i did in part my style for running groups is from Tiggerr but also from Skorch who has been gone for a good while. If you
    ever ran with him, you understand what I mean. He was kind and gracious and can not remember him ever jumping on anyone for silly mistakes. He remembered this as a game so
    adds so much to the game. When he and Hurcheron left i found it a sad moment. Point being, there are some we would miss. Can we change the random factor
    so that people we know from other kins outside of our own can end up on the same server?

    I propose a coalition of kins for the transfer. As many of us get together as we can and try to talk about going to one server as one big multiple kin unit. Yeah, those people
    who we enjoy seeing not having to say goodbye to them. Some of us may or may not have other things coming up irl so that we play less but even if so those who are still here
    being able to have friends be around still that would be nice for them.

    Any thoughts on having a coalition so as many of us can end up the same place as possible?
    Last edited by beaglefan61; Jul 28 2015 at 02:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I will let you know what Triumph decides to do. Likely this weekend I will create a survey monkey thing and send an in-game message to kinnies seeking their input as to where they would like to go - and why. That will be our first step.

    I do agree, after 8 years in this game there are a huge number of people on this server that I interact with daily that I would not like being disconnected from.

    If we're lucky Slode lives and this is a non-issue, but I do think this server is on the cusp.
    Last edited by Irin19; Jul 29 2015 at 09:33 AM. Reason: Spelling
    Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Thumbs up

    I expect that Silverode will sail into the West. I do not know if other Kinships have shrunk as badly as Carpe Jugulum has since the advent of Free-to-play, but if so, a coalition makes sense.

    I suggest a name such as "Heroes of Silverlode" (or "...of the Silverlode") to honor our home server. I've been here since launch day, and Silverlode means a lot to me.
    Avowulf, Avodir, Avodoc, Avoin, Avorond, Avoborn, Avorin, Avogar, Avowald, Avobert
    (all in Mabo Lanc on Landroval)
    "Reality: What a gyp."--Dogbert

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Triumph is one of the kins that factors in largely in this. Some are thinking there will be no problem with waiting until Aug 3 to get things moving yet in the past so many have talked about looking forward to moving some could be gone quickly. If Lords of Brotherhood went to one server by Aug 5 and Hispania to another on the 6th and Triumph yet another this would be an ouch. Yes, many of us do know people in other kins. There are also smaller kins where we know a person or two and those are people widely known and loved on the server. All voices are important in this.

    The name honoring Silverlode is a good name. If some people lose their kins entirely a new kin formed would be a good idea.

    Tiggerr is hoping for a meeting with kin leads on Friday July 31 8 PM U.S. eastern time. Any wishing to join to discuss which servers would be a good move please feel free to join. If a kin does not have lead there an officer from that kin for input would be helpful. Much talk on world channel about this though some are not posting. Maybe we can keep as many of us together as possible.

    Catch ya around

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Irin19 View Post
    I will lwet you know what Triumjph decides to do. Likely this weekend I will create a survey monkey thing and send an in-gmae message to kinnies seeking their input as to where they would like to go - and why. That will be our first step.

    I do agree, after 8 years in this game there are a huge number of people on this server that I interact with daily that I would not like being disconnected from.

    If we're lucky Slode lives and this is a non-issue, but I do think this server is on the cusp.
    But Akthuri your not leader of Triumph you cant control what server it goes to #shotsfired
    Arkenstone: Sneakymoth, Spearmoth, Healmoth, Kilimoth, Arnmoth
    Old Chars: Raceofmoths, Dormoth, Shakburg

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by bucks View Post
    But Akthuri your not leader of Triumph you cant control what server it goes to #shotsfired
    By posting in here I think it's clear I want to work with other kins for a mutually beneficial outcome. By soliciting all kinnies' feedback via survey monkey this is the most democratic method of getting everyone's feedback.

    Control? Nah... no need.

    Leading the charge on getting things organized for the move, for sure!

    Buck, myself and all the officers met last night and all agree this is a good course of action.

    I might lean towards Landy since I have a few apathy buds there or maybe crick as there are ppl there that helped me to get to r15, but truthfully it's like going to college - you're homesick for the first few days, then you settle in to the parties and fun, you don't look in the rear view mirror very often after that.


    ** My evil plan will work, our very own server where we control the horizontal and the vertical, turbine finally out of the picture **
    Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I don't mind putting a few toons in a coalition but I still am for keeping Carpe Jugulum still as a kin. As Gandy said on LOTRO FB we will lose a lot of housing decor from players no longer on and its sad...but now we can start a new with remaining players.Also with whitetree dead Im not sure if to disband it.I have had two people who are gone wanting to keep it just in case they decide to come back.
    Excuse me while I whip this out....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    But right now until Aug 3rd we do know Brandy is safe and not an option..the other 4 remaining is pure speculation...prepare for the worse and hope for the best...
    Excuse me while I whip this out....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Irin19 View Post
    By posting in here I think it's clear I want to work with other kins for a mutually beneficial outcome. By soliciting all kinnies' feedback via survey monkey this is the most democratic method of getting everyone's feedback.

    Control? Nah... no need.

    Leading the charge on getting things organized for the move, for sure!

    Buck, myself and all the officers met last night and all agree this is a good course of action.

    I might lean towards Landy since I have a few apathy buds there or maybe crick as there are ppl there that helped me to get to r15, but truthfully it's like going to college - you're homesick for the first few days, then you settle in to the parties and fun, you don't look in the rear view mirror very often after that.


    ** My evil plan will work, our very own server where we control the horizontal and the vertical, turbine finally out of the picture **

    Landy on creep got boring since the freeps there are pretty terrible and crick died down alot so who knows if itll survive...

    I thought I was your APATHY bud but i guess not so i guess i now know where we stand
    Arkenstone: Sneakymoth, Spearmoth, Healmoth, Kilimoth, Arnmoth
    Old Chars: Raceofmoths, Dormoth, Shakburg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by mykidstjz View Post
    I don't mind putting a few toons in a coalition but I still am for keeping Carpe Jugulum still as a kin. As Gandy said on LOTRO FB we will lose a lot of housing decor from players no longer on and its sad...but now we can start a new with remaining players.Also with whitetree dead Im not sure if to disband it.I have had two people who are gone wanting to keep it just in case they decide to come back.
    Oh the purpose is for nobody to have to leave their kins. The coalition is to get as many people and kins who know each other to move the same direction if a transfer is needed. As a server with so many knowing others here if we end up the same place then it keeps the game cozy and your friends around and hopefully helps keep kins together or more as Amaanda having her kin go to Landy yet everyone else she knows going to Gladden or such so that people leave kins to follow others. That is just an example. Some good input about other servers. Thanks for that. The more we are talking now the more likely we are to keep the same direction hopefully.

    Thank you all for your thoughts toward this. The disadvantage of Silverlode has been at times having enough people in some kins so that people wanting to run something have to find someone from outside. The advantage of Silverlode has been that with groups not always easy to make within kin is we get to know people from outside kins. A bunch of us know a bunch of others which gives the server a different feel and friendships made like that it would be nice to keep.

    Catch ya around, Zadhiel et al

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Thumbs up Hispania is present

    Hi guys.

    I'm Belsar, leader of Hispania. Sorry about not showing myself here earlier, but the forums and I aren't good friends.

    Anyways. I have been reading the posts on this thread and I still don't have a clear idea of what you want to do specifically. I get the idea of the coalition, and I love to see you guys breaking virtual barriers (or trying to) to travel the coming foggy path together. But I have just one doubt, and perhaps a silly one: do you want to create a coalition kinship?

    Well, now I'll explain my kinship's situation, as we have already had a meeting to plan our migration from Silverlode (in fact, it is a topic we've been talking for about 2 months now). Hispania will be moving to Landroval, because we want more events and like the idea of having all the elements of an MMO gameplay present with us (you know, PvE, PvMP, RP, etc.), unless Land is not on the final list of remaining worlds. That decision is made, and we are all coordinated and clear of what, how and when will do.

    Now, about the coalition. Personally, I have no strong bonds with anyone outside Hispania on Silverlode (don't judge me: I don't have much free time to spend on the game, I'm not a -how to say it- "pro gear fan", and so I barely get to group with people outside my kin). Nevertheless, I know I have kinmates with friends on your kinships, and I don't want them to feel they are being dragged out of that relation just because the choice we made, but we all agreed we must first think on the wellbeing of our kin and then all the other topics.

    So, I put the proposal on the board: how about we all move to Landroval? Sure, this seems convenient to me and my kinmates, and maybe is not what you have in mind, but I don't found a reason to why not Landroval (maybe only PvMP, which should improve anyway with the arrival of so many players from other worlds).

    I'll be following this topic to get your feedback and try to help with the coalition, but I can't, regrettably, assure you we'll be moving with you all. I hope we do, but, as I said, our goal is decided and clear.

    Have a good day, and we'll be surely on touch

    PS: My characters on Silverlode, in case you want to contact me ingame: Belsar, Dromlim, Tord, Ethelgrad, Eldirost, Ornmund, Duskenn, Bertonio, and another one I can't remember now (but I don't use frecuently, so is not necessary).
    Last edited by dusken; Jul 30 2015 at 09:03 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Thank you Belsar! Your voice is one I was hoping to hear on this matter. Though i have not done anything with Hispania lately, in the past when I did it was enjoyable because not only are the players good players, but more importantly good people!

    The idea is that each kin remain its own. This is simply to try to get as many of us together as possible as there are some people who have many friends outside their own kin. With you being too busy to chase all the raid gear and staying to activities mainly within your kin that is very understandable. It can take a bit of time to grind out all the great gear. That Landroval is your choice that is one big vote Landroval from Hispania! I appreciate you posting here as Hispania is one of the groups I get a warm feeling about when I simply see someone passing by from your kin. You keep a good group of people.

    Thank you for your time and input here. It is appreciated. There will be a meeting for others to giver the upsides and downsides of different servers and we can get a better idea of what general direction more kins will go. Hopefully, if we are coordinated it will not be many partings but 'see ya over there'.

    Cya around
    Zadhiel and crew

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I propose if Slode is closed or not that this coalition moves forward. We need a FB/twitter page Called Heroes of Silverlode. Where we can post upcoming raids,old instances/deed parties,or good old fashion get together's for music,fireworks,etc.It would also help with those who don't have the time to play as much post what they need to run or deeds done so people can say hey I can help on such time or days.What say you?

    Theado aka kin slayer

    P.S Ask Zad what my title means....lol!
    Excuse me while I whip this out....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by beaglefan61 View Post
    I appreciate you posting here as Hispania is one of the groups I get a warm feeling about when I simply see someone passing by from your kin. You keep a good group of people.
    Thanks Zadhiel for your kind words. The biggest matter around us being "not too sociable" with other kins is the language barrier, but as certain as some of us can break that and play with others, there are several individuals in my kin that can't (or don't want), thus we try to go to raids and such with just kinmates. I'd love to be able to change that, but it's a long way to go.

    Anyway, I'll be checking this and hoping for you guys to make a decision. And we're just a couple of days away from the official announcement! Can't wait already haha.
    Have a great weekend!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I went and created Heroes of Silverlode on Facebook no matter if server is closed or not.....


    everyone is free to join and plz let others know... Good day everyone and hope to see you ingame asap.
    Excuse me while I whip this out....

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mykidstjz View Post
    I went and created Heroes of Silverlode on Facebook no matter if server is closed or not.....


    everyone is free to join and plz let others know... Good day everyone and hope to see you ingame asap.
    If the new group is "Heroes of Silverlode", what does that make our extant facebook group? "Scumbags of Silverlode"? :Þ
    Silverlode lvl100 raiding characters: Glaistig Skop | lvl100 solo and small group characters: Bede, Elentir, & Wibba

    Moochinbras - former expert treasure-hunter of Silverlode, now enjoying retirement on Landroval

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2007


    Greetings all!!,

    I'd like to invite those that are thinking about leaving Silverlode to come to landroval. It's got the same Silverlode feel and they are just as nice as the PVE community that I enjoy on Silverlode. Yes its got the elite crew that are snobs. But you'll get that anywhere you go! I for one will miss you all and I have had some fun times fighting/playing with you all over the 8 years. With that being said..I and probably most of Apathy and TMR who still have characters on Silverlode still Will be moving to Landy when free transfers become available. I am 90% certain landy won't be one that closes because its one of the more popular/active RP servers. You don't really need to roleplay to be part of the community. Even the Game masters care about tickets..No more waiting until the day after for a ticket to be awnsered!

    Again Fun times fighting you all and I hope you'll all stay inside the Facebook Silverlode group. It'd be like breaking up a large family if everyone left it afterwards!..

    -Maggotmeat/Humprnickle Systemlord
    Nope, we did have warleaders but their class role has changed to cheerleader.
    Godhelm of Nimrodel | Winner! Maggotmeat has won the match against Thejuggernaut.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by mykidstjz View Post
    I went and created Heroes of Silverlode on Facebook no matter if server is closed or not.....


    everyone is free to join and plz let others know... Good day everyone and hope to see you ingame asap.
    Sorry, but you're like 2-3 years too late theres already a Silverlode Facebook group..

    Nope, we did have warleaders but their class role has changed to cheerleader.
    Godhelm of Nimrodel | Winner! Maggotmeat has won the match against Thejuggernaut.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by freaker View Post
    Sorry, but you're like 2-3 years too late theres already a Silverlode Facebook group..

    You're just mad because there isn't a "villains of silverlode" facbook page! Hahahaaa!

    I have a server preference when the time comes, but since we will poll the kin and I don't want to bias anyone I won't share here. I have already created a survey on surveymonkey that I will release to Triumph on Monday after the "cut list" has been announced by Turbine. We will discuss and likely move as a kinship.

    Maggot, you get 15 yet noob?
    Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Irin19 View Post
    Maggot, you get 15 yet noob?
    psssh! I am dreading 15 now, I'm scared of hitting it even though I have looked forward to it for the past 8 years...I'm afraid I won't play Maggotmeat, or have fun on him anymore after hitting 15

    Quote Originally Posted by Vyvyanne View Post
    Please note I found an error in the original article, which we are working to correct, but I will state here:
    “The new Transfer Service will become available with this patch. You will be able to access it through the launcher at the World Selection screen after logging into your account. There will be a button that says “Transfer” underneath the “Play” button. Beginning August 3rd the service will be available for copying characters to the Bullroarer Test World and for free moves between the ten worlds (5 US and 5 EU) that will be remaining available after the end of this year. This is just the beginning of the process.”

    The paragraph has incorrect information. Free moves between the main worlds will not start Monday, only Bullroarer copies will be available that day. Transfers between the remaining worlds will probably be a week or two later after we spend some time with the copies to Bullroarer and make sure there are no issues.

    I am sorry for any stress this error may have caused.
    Thought I'd share Turbine F' up lol!!
    Nope, we did have warleaders but their class role has changed to cheerleader.
    Godhelm of Nimrodel | Winner! Maggotmeat has won the match against Thejuggernaut.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Actually the new page was for those of us who are going on the new server together...I thought Scumbags of Silverlode was the Creeps in PVE....lol!
    Excuse me while I whip this out....

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by freaker View Post
    psssh! I am dreading 15 now, I'm scared of hitting it even though I have looked forward to it for the past 8 years...I'm afraid I won't play Maggotmeat, or have fun on him anymore after hitting 15
    Get to 15, I had the exact same fears. I still play my LM, the comms are just as good, it feels exactly the same, except now I have a god-mode brand on a fast CD.
    Irin r8 Hunter // Arngar r8 Burg // Akthuri r15 LM // Vishus r5 Captain // Curad r11 Mini < RETIRED // ACTIVE > Ursamajor Beorn // Babayaga LM // Kleptomania Burg // (Anor)



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