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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    T2CM Raid - Sat. 10/18/2014

    Last weekend we went into Durin's Bane T2CM expecting a very interesting fight. After completing Ivar T2CM last week, I expected a bit lower damage coming from the boss, more morale and mits on the boss, and more lag due to fire everywhere. Unfortunately, the fight was way easier than we expected. We had 11 people when at the boss, so I looked for a cappy and left my toon on the platform. The remaining 10 wanted to see how the fight would be, so they started it up for a suicide attempt just to get a feel of the damage output from DB. Everyone died when the boss was at 31% (with few actually trying as best they could). Realizing this, we switched a DPS for another healer (Jin, Ilwyn, and myself), ran a red captain to help us go faster (Conno), and let Cronosir solo tank without any swaps to simplify everything. The DPS did their job well, and we downed it without too much trouble. I highly commend the efforts of everyone to gear their toons for the most difficult content. When DB did his signature group hits at 75% (and 50, etc.), we had a hard time determining if he actually did it by just watching everyone's morale bars. I had my finger over TS on my mini ready to heal the group up from that nasty hit, but I ended up never using it the whole fight. The RK bubble did wonders as well.

    Unfortunately, the time wasted starting late, trying to find a captain, getting through wound, etc. did not leave us with enough time to get through Ivar to attempt Gortheron. We finished off the night with a plat 12 man BB and called it a night. After so much hype and a much more difficult Ivar last week, it was a bit of a let down but another successful completion nonetheless.

    This weekend, the target is Gortheron T2CM or Wound T2CM depending on the group I have that night. If it looks like the aoe DPS and ranged DPS are there, we will go wound. If it looks like the healers, tanks, cappies and ST DPS is there, we will attempt Gortheron (since we have to get through Ivar first). Please signup below or tell me in game if you are able to make it Sat. 8:30 eastern for this run.

    The people I think I have thus far are:
    - Cronosir, Guardian (Tank)
    - Jinsei, Minstrel (Healer)
    - Lenoas, Loremaster (Support/DPS)
    - Ariathir, Hunter (DPS)
    - Connomir, Warden (DPS)
    - Cirros, Warden (DPS)
    - Dlorik, Guardian (DPS/Backup Tank)
    - Alphbork, Guardian (DPS)
    - Ravinus, Captain (Tank/Support)
    - Ilwyn, Runekeeper (Healer)
    - Malltese, LM (Support/DPS)
    - Adabell, Burglar (Support/DPS)
    - Nannook, Champion (DPS)

    Tentative Backups (if anyone doesn't show, I will be choosing from them first):
    - Necrolagniatic, Loremaster (DPS)
    - Bace, Minstrel (Healer)

    Good luck this weekend!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Was a lot of fun, though we were primed for an epic fight and it didn't seem so, it is a real testament to how well everyone has geared, and the individual skill of each member. The raid sense displayed these last few weeks has really been a joy and even with the focus and hard work it is still a ton of fun.

    We are looking to expand our team to pull from for those runs, speak with any Officer- Ariathir, Cronosir, Nannook, Connomir, and Malty about what type of gear is needed for t2.

    Also, in a shameless self promotion, Resurrection is looking for level 100s interested in weekly t2 and 12 man bb runs, contact me in game for info.

    Love your friends, but are the only one who wants to raid? Join for t2 and bring your friends to be part of the kin with you, we run 3 mans, t1, and bb all the time, so there is a place for everyone.

    U14, let's get out there and level, and gear up so we can...um.. so that we can beat.... so that we can test our skill against.... ummm well.....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Connormir View Post
    Also, in a shameless self promotion, Resurrection is looking for level 100s interested in weekly t2 and 12 man bb runs, contact me in game for info.

    Love your friends, but are the only one who wants to raid? Join for t2 and bring your friends to be part of the kin with you, we run 3 mans, t1, and bb all the time, so there is a place for everyone.
    So if I come back and level to 100 can I join you? Will you be my friend and show me love?

    "...FF is still the best server period, its like the Texas of Lotro"-Bace

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    You can certainly join us, the love and friendship, well we can have some private time in the kin house for that :-)

    U14, let's get out there and level, and gear up so we can...um.. so that we can beat.... so that we can test our skill against.... ummm well.....



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