Developer Diary: Epic Battles - Rewards

Developer Diary: Epic Battles - Rewards
By JWBarry
Within the Battle for Helm’s Deep UI, on the ‘Road to Battle’ and ‘Battle History’ tabs is a widget for tracking the progress towards earning rewards. As you complete quests and objectives you will earn medals based on how well you do. In addition to providing promotions, medals provide the progress towards earning rewards. The amount of progress you get on the bar is dependent upon if the medal was earned on the main or a side quest, and what size group space the medal was earned. The first time you earn a medal on a quest, you earn a bonus amount of progress on the reward bar. Earning a silver medal will provide you progress on both the silver and bronze bars (you can’t get a C without getting a D after all.)

When the bars fill, one of two things happen based on the option you have selected.
If you have the arrow selected, as illustrated with the bronze bar, when the bar fills it will empty and you’ll gain progress on the silver bar (think of it as turning pennies into dollars.) This option is only available for the bronze and silver bars. To earn platinum rewards you must complete quests with platinum success.
If the treasure chest is selected, when the bar fills it will empty and you will receive a piece of gear in your pending loot panel. The gear will be randomly chosen from a selection of role focused jewelry pieces and will be appropriate for your level. The bronze bar provides yellow jewelry, silver purple, gold teal, and platinum is upgraded teals with a chance at getting a bonus orange. The Platinum reward jewelry is broken out into a series of sets that provide class focused proc benefits. The Oranges are upgraded versions of the teals and still apply to the sets, allowing you to upgrade your gear while maintaining your bonuses.