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    Club Bearclaw - Slow-levelling in-character RP group

    Club Bearclaw is a Club Eclair-style slow-levelling in-character walk-n-talk RP group. (Not sure what Club Eclair is? Read this! https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...-II-Into-Moria)

    This thread is intended to serve as a central source of information on the current activities of the Bearclaws. If you are interested in joining us, please feel free to reach out in-game. We are sharing Club Eclair's chat channel.


    With the launch of the new content, Club Bearclaw will be running two alternating groups of characters. The first, the higher level group currently in Evendim, and a new group starting in the new zones. We will be alternating groups from month to month, with the usual meeting time.

    Every Sunday, 7pm-8:30pm EST/server

    Alternate session times TBD.

    Players are welcome to have second characters.

    Time and attendance permitting, we are Training for Battle (Skirmishes and Epic Battles) after sessions or on the alternate day.

    Jarngrimur and company are travelling to the Trollshaws. We will increase our training until we can begin the Foreword for Vol. 1, Book 4.

    Horsefeather and friends are preparing to clear Caras Gelebren of threats.

    Jarngrimur and company have returned to the Lone Lands, on their way to the Trollshaws.

    Horsefeather and the other Mossward heroes are at Echad Terthas, in Caras Gelebren, Swanfleet.

    Current Epic Quest:
    Vol. 1, Book 4, Foreword: The Troubles of Rivendell (Not yet started)

    Before the Shadow, Book 1, Chapter 5: Bregoleth

    32 - The group led by Jarngrimur

    8 - The Swanfleet group

    The Donut Shop is now open!
    Details here: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...82#post8092082


    The following letters were sent out in-game before the start of the group. They include an explanation of the group's rules and philosophy. If you are interested in participating in the group, please read and understand the rules!
    Part I of III: An Invitation

    I hope this missive finds you well. I reach out because you or your kin have met me during my travels and expressed an interest in joining me on further adventure, should the need arise.

    And so it has.

    If your interest still remains, join us at The Green Dragon in Bywater of the Shire, in a fortnight.


    This is an invitation to the new Club Eclair group forming soon. Details to follow.

    Part II of III: Rules
    This is an invitation to join the new slow-leveling in-character RP group that Lilythorn spoke to you about recently. If you have already joined, great. The rules and times are laid out below.

    * Our first gathering will be on Saturday May 30th, 2020 from 3 to 4 PM EST/Servertime, at The Green Dragon in Bywater in the Shire.

    The group's rules are simple and straightforward:

    1. Respect the Level Cap
    2. Respect other Players

    * 1. Respect the Level Cap (currently 6)

    You will need to purchase a Stone of the Tortoise from the Lotro Store (100 LP) in order to halt your character experience.

    We will advance the Level Cap as our adventures lead us to more difficult quests.

    * 2. Respect the other Players

    Be respectful re: language and RP skill. Some of our players are new to in-game RP. We will have a chat channel for IC and OOC chat, /say and /emote should be in-character as much as possible. /fellowship and /raid can be used for OOC chat.

    Part III of III: Before We Start
    Before we get started, you should have a character that is out of the Introduction and no higher than level 6.

    Please have at least a basic Bio/Description. The premise is that your character is one of Jarngrimur's associates from his brief travels. We may or may not be friends, at your discretion. If you let me know what the hook is for your character, I will try and accomodate it. The premise is just enough to get us together. Our group's story afterwards will develop as we adventure.

    Aside from the 2 rules listed above, any rules or restrictions you impose on your character are yours alone. For example, some might choose to only use gear that is awarded or bought with earned gold. Others may choose to not use Swift Travel. Up to you!

    If you are still interested, please let me know what character name and race/class you will be joining us with.

    Thank you!
    Jarngrimur / Lilythorn / Orothiel / Burnheart
    Geändert von silent-p (15.03.2023 um 09:29 Uhr)

  2. #2
    Interested, but I can't commit. I shall watch this expectantly.

  3. #3
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    Interested, but I can't commit. I shall watch this expectantly.
    "Commitment" in such an adventure can generally be loose. Many stories have characters that do not appear in every chapter/episode but who show up from time to time as the story advances. Indeed, Club Eclair has players who only show up when we do "raids" - which is really quite useful as those are the times when we seriously need the most help. We have others show up every two or three weeks. And we have others that will play every week for a few months, then disappear, then reappear several months later.

    So, if you have an interest, I'd suggest showing up at least and introducing yourself.
    Meadowlarke Sweetweed on Landroval. Also nephews and Bounders Ayrhawk, Wrennsong, and Little Meadowlark Sweetweed
    Club Eclair roleplaying group working our way through Volume III. We are currently at Level 63 roleplaying our way through Enedwaith as we escort the Gray Company to the south (Alphred Troute, Hedgerow Shrewburrow). https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...See-the-Wizard

    Club Eclair - The Bearclaws. A newer Club Eclair group that is currently at level 32 in Evendim (Trebble Strawfoot) https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...acter-RP-group.

  4. #4
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    A Letter Home


    I write you from the Shire.

    It is a quaint, idyllic land not unlike our own. The local folk (Hobbits as they call themselves) are simple creatures, tending to farm and field, and yet beset on all sides by troubles. In stature, they stand about as tall as a dwarf, perhaps shorter-- though with better manners and dress.

    Speaking of dwarves, I encountered several in my journey west who seem to have escaped during a rebellion in the Enemy's land. They stood taller than others I had seen before, and were some manner of slave. Their tales chilled my blood, but also served to further steel my resolve in the task I have been given. Some of their stories were contradictory, and perhaps their brains were unhinged in some way by their cruel treatment. However, the scant few I found more trustworthy than most dwarves (which is not much to say) I have invited to join me for a time. My thought is to perhaps learn more about the Enemy from them though I, of course, remain wary.

    As for the Hobbits, I spent an evening patrolling with some of their local constables, called Bounders.

    Initially I was following this Bounder patrol from afar--but I admit I was not as stealthy as I had hoped--for at one point the patrol veered off its apparent course and made a bee-line towards the small copse where I thought I was hidden. There was some measure of fear in their eyes, yet they stood fast before the giant bear they confronted. It was not my intention to cause harm (though one of their band would have been hardly a morsel), so I revealed myself and my nature to them. Proper introductions were made, and I imposed upon them to show to me the most dire threats they knew of in their land.

    Before we set off we were joined by a stout-hearted Hobbit lass who I had met soon after my arrival in the Shire. Between her, and an officious little weed of a Hobbit assigned to us by the local Sherriff, there are at least two Hobbits numbered among my companions. (And, a surprise, other Beorning-folk as well...) But I digress.

    We identified many threats to these folk: Dour dwarves to the northwest, goblins and great spiders to the north, brigands and cutthroats to the south and east, and wolves everywhere.

    The courage of these small folk could not be questioned. They first led me to a bog to the northwest and an encampment of dour dwarves. Our group was attacked by several dwarven scouts, and the Hobbits held themselves well in battle. Reinforcements arrived quickly, however, so we were forced to flee.

    The dwarves have set up a huge cage for what purpose we could not discern. The Bounders told me that a troll roams the swamp, so perhaps the dwarves mean to capture it. I will return soon and slaughter them before they have the chance.

    Our patrol then turned our attention east, and the Bounders led me to a lumber village called Overhill.

    The forest there was serene, but I scented a goblin hiding in the trees and tore its throat out. The Bounder guarding the village gate was napping while the ambusher was creeping about. If our patrol had not passed at that moment, the simpleton would have awoken to a sliced throat, courtesy of a goblin blade! It is a sorry fact that most of these dozy Hobbits seem oblivious to the dangers marching ever closer. Their villagers laugh and frolic without care, but hungry eyes peer from the shadows.

    R. was right-- the Enemy gathers strength.

    Already I have seen its hand in the destruction wrought in villages to the east of this docile Shire. It is my hope that I and such companions as I can gather will be able to do some small part to forestall the coming darkness. All those folk I thought worthy, brave, or advantageous in the task given to me have been sent word, and we gather in less than a week's time. We shall see who musters to my call.

    The coming weeks will be harsh and full of blood. I shall try and write when I can.


  5. #5
    Avatar von Erionor
    Erionor ist offline Captain of Gondor, showed quality
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    I write you from the Shire.

    It is a quaint, idyllic land not unlike our own. The local folk (Hobbits as they call themselves) are simple creatures, tending to farm and field, and yet beset on all sides by troubles. In stature, they stand about as tall as a dwarf, perhaps shorter-- though with better manners and dress.

    Speaking of dwarves, I encountered several in my journey west who seem to have escaped during a rebellion in the Enemy's land. They stood taller than others I had seen before, and were some manner of slave. Their tales chilled my blood, but also served to further steel my resolve in the task I have been given. Some of their stories were contradictory, and perhaps their brains were unhinged in some way by their cruel treatment. However, the scant few I found more trustworthy than most dwarves (which is not much to say) I have invited to join me for a time. My thought is to perhaps learn more about the Enemy from them though I, of course, remain wary.

    As for the Hobbits, I spent an evening patrolling with some of their local constables, called Bounders.

    Initially I was following this Bounder patrol from afar--but I admit I was not as stealthy as I had hoped--for at one point the patrol veered off its apparent course and made a bee-line towards the small copse where I thought I was hidden. There was some measure of fear in their eyes, yet they stood fast before the giant bear they confronted. It was not my intention to cause harm (though one of their band would have been hardly a morsel), so I revealed myself and my nature to them. Proper introductions were made, and I imposed upon them to show to me the most dire threats they knew of in their land.

    Before we set off we were joined by a stout-hearted Hobbit lass who I had met soon after my arrival in the Shire. Between her, and an officious little weed of a Hobbit assigned to us by the local Sherriff, there are at least two Hobbits numbered among my companions. (And, a surprise, other Beorning-folk as well...) But I digress.

    We identified many threats to these folk: Dour dwarves to the northwest, goblins and great spiders to the north, brigands and cutthroats to the south and east, and wolves everywhere.

    The courage of these small folk could not be questioned. They first led me to a bog to the northwest and an encampment of dour dwarves. Our group was attacked by several dwarven scouts, and the Hobbits held themselves well in battle. Reinforcements arrived quickly, however, so we were forced to flee.

    The dwarves have set up a huge cage for what purpose we could not discern. The Bounders told me that a troll roams the swamp, so perhaps the dwarves mean to capture it. I will return soon and slaughter them before they have the chance.

    Our patrol then turned our attention east, and the Bounders led me to a lumber village called Overhill.

    The forest there was serene, but I scented a goblin hiding in the trees and tore its throat out. The Bounder guarding the village gate was napping while the ambusher was creeping about. If our patrol had not passed at that moment, the simpleton would have awoken to a sliced throat, courtesy of a goblin blade! It is a sorry fact that most of these dozy Hobbits seem oblivious to the dangers marching ever closer. Their villagers laugh and frolic without care, but hungry eyes peer from the shadows.

    R. was right-- the Enemy gathers strength.

    Already I have seen its hand in the destruction wrought in villages to the east of this docile Shire. It is my hope that I and such companions as I can gather will be able to do some small part to forestall the coming darkness. All those folk I thought worthy, brave, or advantageous in the task given to me have been sent word, and we gather in less than a week's time. We shall see who musters to my call.

    The coming weeks will be harsh and full of blood. I shall try and write when I can.

    This is a great bit of writing which sets up your tale beautifully. Bravo!

    I’m an alien, an illegal alien: I’m a Gondorian Captain in Rohan...

  6. #6
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    Lossorod: Report Upon My Arrival in Bree-land with Travels even further West to The Shire

    To: Tinalagos, High Captain of Zadan 'nNimruzirim
    From: Lossorod, Scout Captain
    Subject: Report Upon My Arrival in Bree-land with Travels even further West to The Shire

    High Captain Tinalagos,

    Having completed the long journey from our ancestral lands in Gondor I've passed through the area of Bree that you initially requested. After encountering brigand resistance in the small Bree-land settlement of Archet local circumstances have compelled me to travel even further west temporarily halting in the neighboring region to Bree-land that is named The Shire. The detailed scouting reports of the situation in the Northern lands you have requested I send will begin today.

    Since the mission you have sent me on is to scout the situation in the Northern lands I have assumed the identity of an itinerant explorer disguising myself with the trappings of a prospector. I'm hoping by doing so that I will be overlooked by the people I may encounter while continuing to send you the useful scouting information you need without much notice. Explaining to any who may ask that while I'm engaged as a prospector I'm an explorer at heart and that my constant note taking is so that I can one day publish a journal for the benefit of future explorers and historians. Telling them that I have ranged widely throughout the lands of Middle-earth recording the many people, places, and things I encounter along the way.

    So while unplanned I find myself today in the Northern region named The Shire having secretly escorted two hobbits back to their homes from the burned ruins of the Bree-land settlement Archet. More on that whole situation follows in my report below. While scouting The Shire I've heard talk of a person named Jarngrimur who is organizing others to aid him in future adventures. There is talk of an upcoming meeting for those interested at a local inn named The Green Dragon, located in Bywater, The Shire which I will attend. Offering my services as an explorer, a scout, or even a prospector in hopes that I can report back vital details of the Northern situation without drawing undue attention to my travels. If my skills as a trained Captain are needed, that will certainly not be a problem as you know, it will be something I downplay as much as possible as I continue to covertly scout for our House.

    Enough said about my current locale and situation. Here is my first scouting report. Hail Zadan 'nNumruzirim!

    After arriving in Bree-land a chance encounter with brigands upon the roads led to my captivity. I awoke in a prison cell with the Northern Ranger, Strider, before me urging that I act quickly. My head still aching from a heavy brigand blow I gathered my wits and realized that I had become involved in matters much greater than myself. Strider asked me to free two hobbits of The Shire, Celandine Brandybuck and Mundo Sackwille-Baggins, who were also imprisoned in the compound. Proceeding to dispatch a number of brigand guards I freed the hobbits and escorted them to the exit of the compound that Strider had told me about. Finding ourselves locked behind a final iron gate we watched in horror as Strider's Ranger companion, Amdir, fought with one of the very Nine themselves in the courtyard beyond. The Nazgul stabbed Amdir in the shoulder with his Morgul blade forcing Amdir to his knees just as Strider arrived wielding a flaming brand and sword to drive the Nazgul off. The poison of the Morgul blade caused Amdir to collapse requiring Strider and I to carry the passed out Ranger to the close by Bree-land settlement of Archet. Bringing Amdir to Captain Brackenbrook, a retired sell-sword who was now leading Archet, we were allowed to stay the remainder of the night given Amdir's precarious condition.

    After awakening the following day Strider asked me to search the local area for the healing herb Kingsfoil so that he could prepare a salve for Amdir's wound. He also asked me to try to gain the confidence of Captain Brackenbrook so that the inhabitants of Archet would start taking the threat of the local brigands more seriously. A group I eventually learned that called themselves the Blackwolds. Talking to Captain Brackenbrook he told me where I might find some Kingsfoil and also asked me to assist his best man in Archet, Calder Cob, with anything he might need. Finding Calder Cob outside the settlement standing guard Cob said he wasn't aware of any local brigands but Archet was having wolf problems of late so he directed me to the top of a local ruin, Bronwe's Folly, where they were gathering. Collecting Kingsfoil along the way and killing a number of wolves I arrived at the top of Bronwe's Folly only to find a brigand banner of the Blackwolds flying. Approaching the banner I was immediately attacked by the Blackwold Wolf-master who I dispatched handily. Returning to Calder Cob I asked him why he set me up to be ambushed at which time he scoffed that I had killed the Wolf-master and said he'd kill me himself if there weren't others nearby to witness it. Revealing his betrayal of Captain Brackenbrook and his plans as one of the Blackwolds to attack Archet he said he cared less what I might tell Brackenbrook since I wouldn't be believed. Laughing loudly as he said Brackenbrook thought he had served him loyally since Cob was a boy.

    Returning to Archet I delivered the Kingsfoil that Strider had asked for as well as told him of the duplicity of the Blackwold brigand Calder Cob. Troubled, Strider said that Otto the Brigand was being held in the local stocks and that I should interrogate him about what he knows of Calder Cob and the Blackwold's plans. After initially denying any knowledge of the Blackwolds Otto eventually admitted to Cob and the Blackwold's treachery and said there was nothing that could be done to stop the impending attack. Archet would soon fall and those trying to defend it would be killed. Overhearing Otto's admission Ned Pruner, the Archet jailer, said he believed that Archet was in peril and asked that I inform Captain Brackenbrook of what was to come. Reporting Pruner's worries to Brackenbrook the Captain was now troubled as well and asked me to speak with a local farmer, Cal Sprigley, to see if Sprigley knew of any problems with brigands. Sprigley lived close to the gate of the nearby town of Combe that Brackenbrook had called upon in the past to provide assistance to Archet. Traveling to Sprigley's farm Cal said the farmstead was attacked by a group of Blackwolds that morning and requested I hurry to the neighboring town of Combe to plead for assistance. Traveling to the gate I found it blocked by about ten Blackwolds who said Archet would be attacked that night and that today would be my last day. Sure in my own abilities to handle myself should such an attack come I returned to Sprigley nonetheless to report that Archet was blockaded and no help would be forthcoming from Combe. Sprigley scribbled a quick note for Brackenbrook warning that Archet was cut off from any Combe assistance and that preparation for all-out war with the Blackwold brigands must be made immediately. Bringing the note back to Brackenbrook he finally realized what a fool he had been to trust Calder Cob. Trusting Cob had alienating his own son, Jon Brackenbrook, who had been warning his father for over three years about the treachery Cob was up to. In fact, Captain Brackenbrook had told his son Jon that Jon was no longer welcome in Archet since the Captain believed Jon was just jealous of Calder Cob. Captain Brackenbrook, realizing he had alienated Archet's only hope in Jon Brackbrook and his son's company of hunters, could not bring himself to swallow his pride and request that Jon Brackenbrook come to Archet's aid. Hopeless and resigned to the fate he had created for Archet Captain Brackenbrook resolved to withstand the storm of the Blackwold brigands without the assistance of Jon Brackenbrook's company of hunters. Foolish to say the least but such is the pride of some men.

    Having seen the Blackwolds and knowing their capabilities I doubted Captain Brackenbrook's ability to resist their forthcoming attack so I spoke to the Ranger Strider about my doubts. Strider encouraged me to seek the aid of Jon Brackenbrook and his company of hunters since Strider could no longer stay in Archet to defend it. Strider had tended to Amdir's wound with the Kingsfoil salve and needed to leave Archet immediately on a more urgent task entrusting me with the defense of Archet and the care and recovery of Strider's companion Amdir. As Strider prepared to leave I traveled to the outskirts of Archet where Ned Pruner told me that Jon Brackenbrook and his company of hunters resided. Entering Jon Brackenbrook's lodge I told Jon of the threat of Calder Cob and the Blackwolds and of his father's determination to defend Archet without any help. Jon acknowledged his father's lack of wisdom, although stating he was still a good man if too trusting, and determined that Jon and his hunter's would come to Archet's aid no matter what his father desired. Jon Brackenbrook asked me to enter another nearby ruin, named the Blackwold's Roost, to see if I could discover what the plan of attack by the Blackwolds would be. Fighting my way into the Roost through a number of Blackwolds I discovered a satchel containing the Blackwold's plans. It detailed the plan of attack including help that was being provided to the Blackwolds by men of Angmar! Returning the plans to Jon Brackenbrook he studied them including a map showing the route of that night's planned attack. After studying the plans Jon asked me to scout the Old East Path which had been highlighted on the map. A path that approached the wooden palisade of Archet from the east and would be used by the Blackwolds as their avenue of approach. Jon directed me to Atli Spider-bane, a dwarven visitor to the hunters from east of the Misty Mountains, since Jon and his hunters avoided the Old East Path due to the spiders that overrun it. Leaving the lodge I spoke to Atli who said I would have to fight my way through the spiders to reach the Archet palisade in order to inspect how secure the walls were. Traveling to the path I fought my way through about twenty large poisonous spiders finally arriving at the eastern palisade wall to find the wall was still intact and the body of a dead Blackwold scout who had been killed by the spiders some days before. Returning to Jon Brackenbrook with the news that the Archet palisade wall was still intact and the discovery of the slaughtered Blackwold scout at the end of the Old East Path Brackenbrook was encouraged by the news. He said the dead end at the end of the path would work in our favor that night. The Blackwold brigands would be slowed by the intact palisade wall with the deadly spiders at their heels while Brackenbrook's hunters came at the Blackwolds from behind and the Archet guard attacked them from the palisade.

    At that point Jon Brackenbrook, his hunters, Atli Spider-bane, and I made final preparations for the forthcoming Blackwold attack on Archet. Having steeled ourselves for a vicious struggle Jon Brackenbrook, his hunters, and I traveled up the Old East Path while Atli Spider-bane had traveled to inside Archet itself to organize the defense of the small settlement with Captain Brackenbrook. Arriving at the eastern palisade wall Jon Brackenbrook and I found it breached with Jon's hunters being ambushed by Blackwolds already in Archet. The settlement was completely ablaze as Brackenbrook and I rushed inside to restore a defense that clearly appeared to be crumbling. Fighting through a number of Blackwolds we found the Archet jailer, Ned Pruner, on the ground having been blinded by a Blackwold attack. He told of Blackwolds setting Archet ablaze and of strange shapes stalking Captain Brackenbrook, the wounded Ranger Amdir, and the two hobbits, Celandine Brandybuck and Mundo Sackwille-Baggin, as the Captain made a last stand next to Archet's The Mad Badger Inn. Fighting our way through the burning back streets killing numerous Blackwolds along the way we found Atli Spider-bane outside the Archet crafting hall. Atli told us he had followed a group of Blackwolds as they entered the hall only to have them exit and immediately attack us. We put them down easily watching their surprised expressions as they realized we were not the typical Archet guard. Working our way finally through the town's inferno we made it to The Mad Badger Inn where Captain Brackenbrook defended Amdir and the two hobbits. The Captain had defeated numerous Blackwolds but clearly was beginning to tire. Amends were made by Captain Brackenbrook to his son Jon for the years of the Captain's foolish actions which Jon both acknowledged and then put aside as both he and his father focused on the impending wave of new Blackwold attacks. Finally all together to defend Archet we put down two waves of Blackwolds before being taken by a horrific dread as the stalking shapes Ned Pruner had spoken of glided eerily into view along with the traitor Calder Cob. Unable to resist the evil of these figures, two Cargill wraiths from Angmar, we were rooted in place by their malevolence. The Cargill called to the wounded Ranger Amdir, the Morgul blade having destroyed his will to resist, beckoning him to acknowledge the mastery they had over him. Unable to resist Amdir rose to his feet approaching the Cargill who led him out of Archet. Before exiting the Cargill told Calder Cob to reveal to Captain Brackenbrook who he really was. Cob told Captain Brackenbrook of his years of treachery and that Cob would be taking control of Archet before striking the Captain dead with a single swift blow to the Captain's head. With the Cargill now gone and our dread diminished by their malevolent presence Jon Brackenbrook, Atli Spider-bane, and I fought with Calder Cob putting him down. With the death of Calder Cob the remaining Blackwolds realized they had lost all hope of success and fled the burning settlement. A heavy price had been paid that night by all. Many Blackwolds were killed, Calder Cob was put down, Archet was burned, Captain Brackenbrook and Ned Pruner were both dead, and the Ranger Amdir was possessed and then taken away by the Cargill. Jon Brackenbrook, Atli Spider-bane, Celandine Brandybuck, Mundo Sackville-Baggins, and I had survived.

    With the death of his father Jon Brackenbrook assumed leadership of Archet vowing to rebuild it. Having also survived the Battle of Archet I left the settlement quickly bidding a few farewells before fading into the surrounding wilds. I did not want those in the area to learn more about my presence. And it certainly was not my intention to reveal the capabilities of our storied Gondorian House which I'm afraid I may have done by my exploits in battle. All the same I worried about the two hobbits, Celandine and Mundo, who were eager to return to their homes west of Bree-land in a region named The Shire. Having seen both a Nazgul and Cargill in the matter of only a few days I knew how truly dangerous it was to travel these Northern roads without protection. No matter what the people of the North are made of few can resist such evil foes and I was determined to see the two hobbits back to their homes safely. Not wanting to call further attention to myself however I did not aid the hobbits directly but shadowed them on their return journey. Making sure they were escorted safely even though they did not know of my protective presence.

    And with that recounting of the incident in Archet I will end my first report.

    I Remain Yours in Faithful Service,

    Lossorod, Scout Captain

    [OOC]Hoping to join in with the adventures of Club Bearclaw as a Man Captain. I'm currently capped at Level 3 until I get a better feel for what level quests the club will initially start with. While fun LotRO quests are not that challenging so I always strive to be as under leveled as possible before engaging in them. The character Lossorod is associated with a kinship group that is roleplaying a Gondorian High House. Named Zadan 'nNimruzirim, which is Aduniac for House of the Elf-friends, a reference to Elendil and earlier historical times in Numenor. I'm in the Central US time zone so servertime minus an hour and I try to play daily in the evenings and on the weekends. I've been playing for 13 years and have spent most of my time at the low levels making numerous alts throughout the years. Having taken a break from Landroval for over 5 years, playing on Arkenstone and Brandywine instead, I saw the forum post about Club Bearclaw and was excited to start a possible adventure with members of Club Eclair. So I've made a number of new characters and new kinships on Landroval as a basis of play. I'm hoping I will be a good fit for the club and I'm excited to give it a try if you will have me.[/OOC]

  7. #7
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    Zitat Zitat von Tinalagos Beitrag anzeigen

    [OOC]Hoping to join in with the adventures of Club Bearclaw as a Man Captain. I'm currently capped at Level 3 until I get a better feel for what level quests the club will initially start with. While fun LotRO quests are not that challenging so I always strive to be as under leveled as possible before engaging in them. The character Lossorod is associated with a kinship group that is roleplaying a Gondorian High House. Named Zadan 'nNimruzirim, which is Aduniac for House of the Elf-friends, a reference to Elendil and earlier historical times in Numenor. I'm in the Central US time zone so servertime minus an hour and I try to play daily in the evenings and on the weekends. I've been playing for 13 years and have spent most of my time at the low levels making numerous alts throughout the years. Having taken a break from Landroval for over 5 years, playing on Arkenstone and Brandywine instead, I saw the forum post about Club Bearclaw and was excited to start a possible adventure with members of Club Eclair. So I've made a number of new characters and new kinships on Landroval as a basis of play. I'm hoping I will be a good fit for the club and I'm excited to give it a try if you will have me.[/OOC]
    Of course, you are welcome to join.

    In the Shire, the group will be focusing on the quest chains that involve the wolves, dourhands, brigands, spiders, goblins, and such threats. The initial meeting will be focusing on introducing everyone and then tackling a few troublesome situations nearby. Unless there is a story reason to pursue the pie or quickpost deliveries as a group, those quests will be left to the individual for now.

    The current level cap is sufficient to accept quests throughout most of the Shire. We will raise the level cap as needed (I anticipate we will be level 8 or so when we leave the Shire). The general plan is to follow the Prologue from the Shire into Bree and then the Epic storyline from there, while doing all of the quests in each zone at the minimum level possible. We'll see how it goes.

  8. #8
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    Roleplaying Guidelines for Jarngrimur

    Tomorrow, Saturday May 30th is the first gathering of Jarngrimur and his Companions, colloquially known as Club Bearclaw, and I've been giving some thought as to my own personal Role-Playing Guidelines.

    These are my own ideas on how to play my own character, so if you are in the group don't feel like you have to follow these rules.


    1. Jarngrimur is a skin-changer who can shift between human and bear forms. If he's travelling long distances, he'd prefer to do so as a bear. Bears are apex predators, swift, relentess, tireless. Horses are weaker animals deserving respect and not slaves or tools. (And in desperate times, they are food.)

    He will ride horses if and when it is absolutely necessary, as no one can deny the animals' swiftness. However, Jarngrimur will avoid using swift-travel if at all possible, and avoid using stable horses and mounts unless it's absolutely necessary (i.e. if the group is gathering somewhere and I have moved Jarngrimur to another location for crafting/ooc reasons).


    2. If Jarngrimur falls in battle, he will wait until after the battle to revive, unless he has the option to revive in place. In character terms, this burst of resolve is a second wind that would allow him to revive and continue the battle, albeit weakened. If the option to revive in place is not available, he will revive only afterwards, and then only if his Companions cannot revive him.


    3. Jarngrimur is far from home and although he occasionally rests at friends' homes, he is not given to accepting charity. He is trained as a Metalsmith (actually, he's my account Metalsmith) and apprenticed to the Guild. His personal funds will come from the spoils of his adventures and commissions from his trade (no gold gifts from other characters on my account). Also, he will pay a fair sum to his host for the use of her home during rest periods between adventuring (i.e. sending excess gold to my main character from time to time).


    4. Further to his views as a creature that is both Man and Bear-- but also, not quite either-- Jarngrimur feels a kinship with all natural creatures, but nothing specifically for bears in particular. He respects their nature, as they must respect his. They are not Beorning, so he does not consider them "kin" any moreso than any other natural creature such as deer, squirrels, wolves or wild cats. He feels the same way about Men, Elves, Dwarves, and Hobbits.

    Jarngrimur will not hesitate to defend against agressive natural creatures of any sort, although he will not actively attack them. If there is a mission or task that requires it, such as a hunt for food or even to show prowess and prove his worth (i.e. deeds and quest objectives), Jarngrimur does not feel remorse for such actions. However, he will not kill thoughtlessly in his passing travels.

    He will protect weaker creatures from evil whenever possible.

    Jarngrimur will go out of his way to kill any unnatural, undead, ancient evil, or corrupted creature he meets. Orcs and Goblins are such creatures, as are any corrupted natural animals or undead. If he is on an urgent mission he will not tarry long, but blood will be spilled.


    5. Jarngrimur is dedicated to stopping the Enemy. He is not prone to mercy, and he is savage in combat. He favors the club in human form. If he can, he will keep his trusty two-handed club, only using other weapons when a suitable club isn't available. He is an apex predator, so may be more casual about violence than other races may are comfortable with. His view is, "With Club and Claw, do what is necessary."


    Anyways, those are the guidelines I've set for myself. Feel free to use this as inspiration for your own character, or not.

    Looking forward to the group!

  9. #9
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    A Successful Beginning!

    Thank you everyone that took part today. I think it was quite a success!



    A short note to mark the successful beginning of this band of companions.

    There were several unexpected faces brought to our group simply because word of my intentions has travelled on its own. This is both heartening and also a reminder that we must be careful in future-- if we embark on any sensitive tasks, we must be mindful that the ears and eyes of the Enemy may constantly surround us.

    The gathering at the Green Dragon was joyful. Many there pledged to my cause, including two Men who I had not recognized, and a young Hobbit lad who had merely wandered in for a pint. He spun a wild tale of having visited the gates of Moria. He accompanied us in our bloody work, so he has bravery enough, but who knows if his tale was merely a fire-side exaggeration...

    All told, our gathering consisted of brave souls from across the lands. Two dwarves, both escaped slaves from Moria. One of them at least is either constantly beer-addled, or slightly mad. Hard to say. Both served well against the wolves we hunted; the two Men, one a smith from Combe that seemed keen to avoid returning there, and another claiming to be an "itnererant tradesman" or some such. I did not dig too deeply into either of their stories, they will prove themselves (or not) in battle; Also, we had two elves-- one of Mirkwood, and the other from some other region further away in either distance or passing years; And finally, but not least, we had an abundance of Hobbits. I expected as much, but towards the end of our stay at the Inn, they seemed to be emerging from the very woodwork. The Bounder spy was there, though he seems harmless enough. At least we have someone handy to grease the wheels of the interminable Hobbit bureaucracy.

    As for our task this night, we hunted wolves that were terrorizing local farms and village-folk. We cleared the farms, and the den, then finally tracked the pack leader and slew it (before another hobbit, who fancied himself a hunter, was made victim).

    Soon we gather in the village of Michel Delving. I am keen to return to the dour dwarves encamped in the Rushock Bog and end them. Rumor has it that there are other tasks needed doing in that region as well. Perhaps the Mayor or his Assistant will know.


  10. #10
    Avatar von Craiden
    Craiden ist offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    That was a promising start indeed, and a fine group!

    About Stummel:
    Stummel is a Level 1 Hobbit with 0 (Zero) XP. And that will never change. He will not take any quest. He is small and weak and will never become a brave fighter, even though he wishes to be one. Every wolf, every bear, every spider in the Shire is red and dangerous to him. He will never (or very rarely) engage in a fight. But he has great admiration for the courageous adventurers he sometimes encounters and likes to join their groups for a while, just looking on with wide eyes how they take on these terrifying beasts, cheering them on.

    [OOC: Being in the original Club Eclair and having 2 other characters on Belegaer, plus this being Saturday evenings local time, I don't think I can commit to the group wholeheartedly, even though I'd really like to. Being Level 1 will allow Stummel however to get until Ost Guruth in the Lone-lands without the zone becoming too dangerous and him drawing too much aggro (which would be quite annoying for the rest of the group). He may go all the way to retake Weathertop, but seeing the troll there would be too much and he'd return to the Shire.

    However, if during this time I get too attached to the group and learn that I could attend at least some of the playtimes, I may level up another character who could join on an irregular basis.]
    Geändert von Craiden (01.06.2020 um 09:45 Uhr)

  11. #11
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    Zitat Zitat von Craiden Beitrag anzeigen
    That was a promising start indeed, and a fine group!


    However, if during this time I get too attached to the group and learn that I could attend at least some of the playtimes, I may level up another character who could join on an irregular basis.][/i]
    Thank you!

    I am sure we will have other days & times eventually. Of course, the group can always informally gather any time, to help catch up, etc, or just for general adventuring as well.

  12. #12
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    To: Jarngrimur
    c/o Bird and Baby Inn
    Michel Delving
    West Farthing


    Postman Twofoot of Waymeet had a bundle of parcels and posts destined for Needlehole. I am taking them and running them up to Needlehole in advance of your next patrol. Once there, I will inform them that a patrol will be arriving to investigate the question of the missing cow and that they are not to be concerned that there are tall folk among them. Needlehole itself is half-occupied by dwarfs (some of an unsavory sort, I must admit) so they are not particularly concerned about folks other than hobbits being about.

    I will await your arrival.

    Bounder Trebble
    Meadowlarke Sweetweed on Landroval. Also nephews and Bounders Ayrhawk, Wrennsong, and Little Meadowlark Sweetweed
    Club Eclair roleplaying group working our way through Volume III. We are currently at Level 63 roleplaying our way through Enedwaith as we escort the Gray Company to the south (Alphred Troute, Hedgerow Shrewburrow). https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...See-the-Wizard

    Club Eclair - The Bearclaws. A newer Club Eclair group that is currently at level 32 in Evendim (Trebble Strawfoot) https://forums.lotro.com/forums/show...acter-RP-group.

  13. #13
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    UPDATE: Seems like the storm has passed.

    6/6/2020 -- There are severe storms in the area. I may be knocked offline before or during today's adventure. If that happens, the group can carry on to Needlehole without me if they need to and proceed on the Beast of the Bog quest chain (Daffodil Is Missing, etc...) and other quests around that area.
    Geändert von silent-p (06.06.2020 um 13:24 Uhr)

  14. #14
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    Jarngrimur's Journal, Entry #1

    Written in stark handwriting:

    Progress at last.

    We travelled to Needlehole to investigate a theft on behalf of the local Shirriff. A pleasant journey through the forest then a bog at night, marred only by the presence of putrid slugs, dour dwarves, and the complaints of Hobbits.

    In the bog, we uncovered the mauled carcass of a field cow atop the troll hill. Inquiries at the village showed that it was stolen from a local farmer by unsavory dwarves. How it came to its sad end, we did yet not know.

    However, we soon recovered orders from the corpses of the dourhand dwarves we slaughtered that showed the cow was likely the first victim of a stone-troll the dwarves were attempting to capture. Their plan was to cage the troll and ship it north to their dark masters!

    This cow was apparently bait for a trap-- an unfortunate end for a simple, peaceful creature. I made sure the dourhands paid doubly for their cruelty to this beast.

    We tracked the dwarves back to the camp I spied on the Bounder patrol weeks ago. Splitting into several small groups to better infiltrate, each of our band were able to successfully end a troll that the dwarves were attempting to cage and transport. The blood of many a dwarf and troll stained the hill of their encampment, but I am glad to say none of our own companions fell-- though I am told it was a close thing for some.

    We also recovered the stolen money at the camp, another crime of the dour dwarves. (The Hobbits called them "sour dwarves" but the slugs taste worse.) Bounder Trebble delivered the coin to the Mayor or his Assistant.

    I am heartened by our success. Chasing wolves away from a chicken coop is one matter; Destroying a dwarven encampment and killing a troll is another matter entirely. Even the hobbit lad that has recklessly decided to follow our so-called "adventures" held his own (and survived! Much to my continuing surprise...)

    We travel soon to Tuckborough-- I am told there is a library of note at the Great Smial there, and I want to do some research. Also, a local chapter of historians have engaged me to retrieve some important document.

    I fear that, like many of the tasks in the Shire, this may lead on to something more sinister than these simple folk may be aware...

    We shall see.
    Geändert von silent-p (06.06.2020 um 22:00 Uhr)

  15. #15
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    Greetings, dear friends.

    Needlehole was quite the task. Having to watch over some little ones I was quite nervous. Naturally I had to protect those less strong than I. We were able to solve the problems of the Needlehole townsfolk and were able to get rid of some nasty Dourhands in the process. They thought that they could get away with the vile things they were trying to do in the bog. I was paired up with Bounder Trebble and a young hobbit lad named Stummel in our efforts to stop the Dourhands from reeking anymore havoc across the land. They thought they would catch themselves a troll which proved to be more than they can handle. Luckily, we were there to remove the threat of the troll and Needlehole is safe once again.


    OOC ((Finally able to write in the forums. This is my second experience with the Bearclaws group and it was rather enjoyable. I did get worried when I was reminded that Stummel was level 1 and I had to do the majority of the fighting with the aid of Trebble in the troll instance. Normally I don't play a tank character and when I do I mostly solo things. It's great practice at roleplaying and working as a team although I'm not sure I have the hang of the latter quite yet. I certainly don't roleplay Beornings very well yet. Much more comfortable at hobbits and race of men folks. Cannot wait to see what the next adventure holds. ))
    Landroval : Warders of the Weald : Eirithdiel, Ellenfled, Liverwort, Maravor, Magnhilde, Eleafinna. Bounders of the Shire : Molee Kettle, Parslee Kettle.

    The Greatest Adventure is what lies ahead...

  16. #16
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    Zitat Zitat von MoleeKettle Beitrag anzeigen
    OOC ((Finally able to write in the forums. This is my second experience with the Bearclaws group and it was rather enjoyable. I did get worried when I was reminded that Stummel was level 1 and I had to do the majority of the fighting with the aid of Trebble in the troll instance. Normally I don't play a tank character and when I do I mostly solo things. It's great practice at roleplaying and working as a team although I'm not sure I have the hang of the latter quite yet. I certainly don't roleplay Beornings very well yet. Much more comfortable at hobbits and race of men folks. Cannot wait to see what the next adventure holds. ))
    Glad you enjoyed it! I think everyone did well last week. It was a very interesting little detective story and a taste of working as a team, I quite enjoyed it!

    This next session starts in the Bird & Baby Inn and should be mostly roleplaying and very light on the combat (if any). It will be a great chance to get comfortable with your character!

  17. #17
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    Next week we will continue in Woodhall. The level cap has been raised to 8. Please be careful levelling as it is very easy to over-level at the low levels.

  18. #18
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    The man grew visibly more impatient, but this only made the hobbit more slow and careful in his answers. "No, I like to think I know my own daughter!" he said. "And she's not getting married this spring, nor any spring, in fact."

    "So your daughter, whose name is Daisy Brockhouse, is not getting married?" the man asked, frowning. "And you are her father, Bill Brockhouse?"

    "Of course I'm her father, who else would I be?" The hobbit laughed. "You seem to be in a muddle, friend. My Daisy's only 11 years old, so she's not fond of the lads at all, much less thinking of being wedded."

    "But I have a gift for her!" the exasperated man protested. "I was told it's a wedding gift for her-- I brought it all the way from Combe village, in Bree-land!"

    The hobbit blinked a few times, took out his pipe and pipe-weed pouch, and slowly filled the bowl. "Got a tinder box?" he asked the man.

    "NO, I don't have a tinder box! Aaaargh! What did I make this trip for, then?"

    "Aye, that's a good question, friend," said the hobbit, calmly pulling out his own tinder box and lighting the pipe-weed. "Who was it who sent you here? I've got family over Combe way, it's true." And he nodded and puffed.

    "It was Mistress Jennet Brockhouse, who lives there," answered the man. "I owed her a favour, and she asked me to bring this special heirloom ear bauble to you, for Daisy, and to give you her regrets that she can't come to the wedding because of the dangerous roads."

    Bill Brockhouse pointed his pipe at the man. "Well there you are, then! Why didn't you say so sooner? Jennet is my father's second cousin, related through old Bardo Brockhouse, and his wife, that'd be Leticia Goodbody. Or wait, maybe Leticia was a Goodchild, I'm not quite sure of that." And he frowned and smoked, deep in thought.

    "Oh, well, I suppose you must be the right Bill Brockhouse," conceded the man. "Unless there are other Bill Brockhouses in Michel Delving?" He couldn't help hoping.

    "No, I'm the only Bill now, since my gaffer passed on," said Bill. "And Daisy's the only Daisy," he added helpfully. "The only Daisy Brockhouse, I mean. There's plenty of other Daisy's, it's a very popular name hereabouts."

    "Well, here's the bauble, then," said the man. "There's a letter with it, too. Maybe it explains what Jennet had in mind by sending me to The Shire."

    The hobbit laid his pipe aside and took the package. He read the letter, growing increasingly thoughtful as he looked from it to the man and back. "She mentions you, you are Renfred Greysmith?"

    "Yes, that's my name. She did me a tremendous kindness some months ago."

    "Aye, she mentions that. She writes that she's heard of troubles here in The Shire, and wants you to consider helping us, if you can." The hobbit paused and sighed. "It's true, that. We have fierce wolves and worse creatures coming from the north, or south, or who knows where. Our Bounders could use some help."

    Renfred looked surprised, but only for a few moments. "Ah, I think I understand what Jennet was doing. The short busy-body female!" He shook his head, then gave Bill Brockhouse a smile. "I have only this worn armour and a dull old blade, but it was enough to get me here safely. I'll have a look 'round and see what I can do for your folk."

    Bill Brockhouse warmed to the man. "It would make me happy if you join us for luncheon, Master Renfred. My Petunia bakes a pretty fine Hornblower's Pie!"

    Renfred chuckled. "I'd be delighted, Master Bill. I have to say that our Combe hobbits are the best cooks, but I've no doubt your Petunia's goods are well worth the trip!"
    Renfred Greysmith
    Former blacksmith of Combe
    Best fry-pans in all of Bree-land

  19. #19
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    No official meeting on July 4th.

  20. #20
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    It has been some time since I last wrote, and there have been many developments since.

    My companions have proven to be worthy of the name. As expected, their number varies from time to time -- but none are beholden to my cause, so I am ever grateful for whatever assistance may be had.

    A small few have been consistent in their desire to accompany me on my travels:

    * The mad Moria Dwarfs Zapi and Jyokster,

    * The Bounder Trebble (whom I must admit is admirably devoted to his duties. And he is, at the least, reverent of the creatures of the forest-- one of the few that diligently has heeded my warnings against provoking the natural creatures we pass in the forest. Though his constant chatter as we travel alerts every creature within a mile of our presence!),

    * A Man, Renfred (brave enough),

    * A Hobbit hunter, Hamamac (an efficient and useful addition),

    * The Hobbit lad Stummel (his continued survival is a source of minor wonder),

    * And various Elves (all aloof yet skilled).

    At times, we have had other Beorningfolk, but as is our common nature, they have wandered afar and I have not seen them among our ranks of late. Perhaps they are off on other errands for R., or perhaps they have simply wandered towards a different path than I. It matters not.

    We have thus far dealt with incursions of wolves on farms, a fortification of Dourhand Clan dwarves, and some goblins and spiders in the Bindbole Wood.

    And while clearing the nest of overgrown spiders in the apt-named Lob's Grove, we discovered a wounded Huorn! The spiders had infested the poor Tree and it took us several attempts to free it from their clutches. We were, at last, successful, and the Huorn was last seen making its slow passage back East-- perhaps to return to the Old Forest from which it had wandered...

    For now, we have come to the village of Stock where we rest awhile before travelling to a farm in Bamfurlong to investigate word of a missing Hobbit lass. In truth, I have heard rumors of a band of Brigands and perhaps even Half-Orcs hiding in a valley south of the village of Woodhall and that is the real reason for our investigation, but if this Hobbit can be saved as well, all the better.

    There are rumors of other dangers, as well. There have been whispers of Dark Riders in the Shire...

    I care not to think of the reason for such rumor, but I will seek them out. My duty will be done.


  21. #21
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    Renfred came out of the Brockhouse's smial with a sigh. Petunia Brockhouse was an excellent cook, and that was such a breakfast as he hadn't enjoyed in months. Sometimes, he thought, it didn't hurt so much to be alive still. He stretched and took a deep breath of the clean morning air, then set off for Bywater, where Master Jarngrimur's band was planning to meet.

    It was a pleasant walk, to be sure, and reminded him a little of his home. Past the large garden in the center of Michel Delving, out the eastern side of the town he strode, nodding at the hobbits he saw. And then onwards, towards the camp at Waymeet. When he reached the crossroads he saw Dora Brownlock there, the one whom his group had helped a few days ago. She ran up to him, all upset and half frantic.

    "Oh mister adventurer, sir!" she said. "I'm so worried for my neighbor, Jolly Smallburrow. He's gone after a wolf leader, trying to impress me! Will you please go and find him, and help him?"

    Renfred was so startled at being called an adventurer that he missed the rest of her appeal, and had to ask Mistress Dora to repeat it. "Well, I suppose I could fetch my companions from Bywater," he started, but she quickly quashed that idea. "There's no time for that!" And so he reluctantly agreed.

    Trotting north towards the wolf den, Renfred tried to stifle his nervousness. The sword he carried, a gift from Karl Quickfire, was sturdy enough, but he still could scarcely wield it. In traveling with the others he'd hung back, and barely managed to hit any beast or bandit-- the hobbit Hamamac would shoot an arrow right at an enemy, but by the time Renfred got close, it was all over. Or the two dwarves (who didn't seem to be from the west, from Thorin's Halls, and that was a mystery) would defeat an attacker, sometimes even using a beer mug to knock it out. The strange bear folk were dangerous in their man-forms, even more so in bear form (which was unnerving to Renfred still). And even if he did get in a hit on an enemy with the sword, odds are the blade was turned in his hand so he struck with the flat side only, doing little harm.

    At last he reached the place west of the wolf den that Dora had mentioned, and there, sure enough, was Jolly Smallburrow, with a bucket of raw meat. The hobbit had a large mace with him, but no armour-- he didn't seem well prepared to fight a large wolf. But Renfred had arrived just in time, for the beast did show up, causing Jolly to drop his mace and retreat behind a large shrub. The wolf was larger than a normal wolf, but it looked worn with hunger, and as it made its way to the bucket, Renfred managed an accurate blow. The poor thing collapsed immediately and expired.

    "Oh thank you, sir!" exclaimed Jolly. "Now that the wolf is dead, I'm sure Dora will be interested in my wooing!" And he ran off towards Waymeet.

    "Wait, Master Smallburrow!" cried Renfred. "You forgot your mace!" But the hobbit was gone. The man looked at the mace: it was all iron, heavy and well-crafted, with a round head studded with sharp spikes. It was sized for a man, not a hobbit, and he wondered how Jolly had come by it. Something about the heft of it pleased him, and he considered that this might be an easier weapon than a sword for a middle-aged man to learn how to wield effectively.

    When he reached Waymeet and found Dora and Jolly, they both expressed their gratitude to him many times. "Master Smallburrow, this mace of yours, would you consider selling it to me?" asked Renfred. "I can't help but see that it's much too big for a hobbit."

    "Oh yes, Sir Renfred," said Jolly. (Renfred blushed faintly at being called "sir", but decided not to correct the hobbit.) "That's just a mathom, it's been in our family forever. Some old ancestor got it long ago, even back before the Shire was settled, if you can believe that! And you are welcome to take it." Then he frowned a little. "Although I'm not sure what we'll hang in its place above the fireplace."

    Renfred smiled. "Here, you can have my sword, then. It's not an heirloom at all, but perhaps it will serve as a memory token of the adventurer who saved your life one day." With the thanks of the two hobbits in his ears, he set off again for Bywater.
    Renfred Greysmith
    Former blacksmith of Combe
    Best fry-pans in all of Bree-land

  22. #22
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    unable to participate

    (( I'm currently struggling with my mental health and rp seems a bit more than I can handle. I'm also "on call" to help with my bf because he just had his gallbladder removed. I will rejoin you all in the future but until I can get back to where I need to be mentally, we must part ways))
    Landroval : Warders of the Weald : Eirithdiel, Ellenfled, Liverwort, Maravor, Magnhilde, Eleafinna. Bounders of the Shire : Molee Kettle, Parslee Kettle.

    The Greatest Adventure is what lies ahead...

  23. #23
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    Zitat Zitat von MoleeKettle Beitrag anzeigen
    (( I'm currently struggling with my mental health and rp seems a bit more than I can handle. I'm also "on call" to help with my bf because he just had his gallbladder removed. I will rejoin you all in the future but until I can get back to where I need to be mentally, we must part ways))
    Health and family come first. And please, seek help if you need it. You are always welcome to rejoin us when you return.

  24. #24
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    Renfred drank deeply from his mug, then leaned back against the wall of the Plough and Stars. His shoulder still ached from the day's adventure, but the ale dulled his awareness of that pain. Swinging a mace around in battle used different muscles than shoeing a horse, or casting a spoon or fry-pan! Still, his middle-aged body seemed to be adapting to his new life.

    His mind was adapting, too, as he struggled to be useful in the group of adventurers. He looked over at the two dwarves, Zapi and Jay, now busy with food and drink and with teasing each other, and sometimes teasing the hobbits. They were a happy pair, eager to fight and skilled, each in his own way. Zapi in particular seemed to find Renfred very humourous, often laughing at him, but not in an unkind way. It made the man more comfortable around them, but he still wondered. There was that one day on the way to Woodhall, when they had all talked about kings. Renfred noticed a shadow cross Zapi's face, and the dwarf seemed sad, but said that was a tale for another time. The dwarves had come from Mordor supposedly, but that was a terrible land of evil, and Renfred didn't know how such good folk (and for all their differences, the dwarves were certainly *good folk*) would have come from there.

    His eyes moved over to the chief of the band, Master Jarngrimur, sitting quietly by and drinking. Jarn was also a big mystery to Renfred, and even in his man-form he looked uncanny and wild. Maybe it was the slash of red on his face (well, that was a big part of it) or the wild glow in his eyes, but Renfred felt nervous around him, still. The bear was a tremendous help and protector for the band, of course, but was it truly tame? Well not tame exactly, more like under control. What if the bear got carried away some time in battle and attacked his fellows? Did such things happen? He couldn't forget the tales he'd heard in childhood about wolf-men. Those would always attack people when they shape-shifted, when the moon was full. He shivered.

    And then there were the hobbits, at ease in their own land. Master Hamamac was the most skilled bowman that Renfred had ever met. He could drop a goblin or spider with a single shot, and the creature never knew it had been killed. He seemed bright enough and made an occasional witticism, but there was a kind of focus about him that didn't seem like your average hobbit person. He'd never told them all why he was roaming around with them, what his story was.

    And lastly there was their official guide, Bounder Trebble. He seemed a serious, dutiful hobbit and did his best to warn folks about their unusual band, smoothing the way around The Shire, as it were. Apparently he was a musician around the station, and he certainly wasn't much use in battle. In fact, Renfred had had to defend him several times, when a spider or a goblin or wolf had got past the others and made for the Bounder.

    The man smiled. He wasn't doing too badly, perhaps. Nowhere near as good as Jarngrimur, or the dwarves, or Hamamac. But he was learning fast, and feeling more comfortable wielding the heavy mace, every day. And thoughts of the past had ceased to trouble him, for the most part. He stood up, his head tilted a little to avoid a rafter, and lifted his mug. "To adventure!" he shouted.

    ((We hope you and your boyfriend are doing better, MoleeKettle. Stay safe!))
    Renfred Greysmith
    Former blacksmith of Combe
    Best fry-pans in all of Bree-land

  25. #25
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    [[Hey Fellow Bearclawians! It's Zapi here.

    I have absolutely loved slow-level adventuring with you all. Even though we only meet once a week, it has injected a new level of interest, challenge, and fun for me in this game.

    On the topic of our meet-ups, starting Saturday September 26th, RL gets in the way and I won't be able to run with you all at the current 3pm EST time.
    Was wondering if anyone was interested in adding an intermittent alternate time (perhaps on an weekday evening or on a Sunday) to run group quests/instances. I feel quite confident that Zapi can solo most things, but as we head further east and the ominous presence of the Barrow-downs bears down on us, I would love the opportunity to continue to meet up and do things with all (or even just some) of you. Food for thought.

    See you this Saturday!]]


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