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Type: Posts; Utilisateur: Arielkitii; Mots-clef(s):

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  1. [Gladden] Relay Race Across Eriador April 8, 2023

    Join the Warriors of Camelot in celebrating their 10th anniversary in the Relay Race Across Eriador!

    The Relay Race will take place on Saturday, April 8th at 1pm server time. Teams of 3-6...
  2. [Gladden] Third Annual Running of the Chickens on April 2, 2023

    Join The Warriors of Camelot in celebrating their 10th Kin Anniversary with the 3nd Annual Running of the Chickens on Sunday, April 2nd! This year, we will be having 2 runs: one at 1pm EDT/10am PDT...
  3. Replies

    I also would like to see slag slugs as a cosmetic...

    I also would like to see slag slugs as a cosmetic pet. They are the cutest out of all the slugs I've seen in game and would make great pets
  4. Our Kin Anniversary technically is April 6th, but...

    Our Kin Anniversary technically is April 6th, but since that falls in the middle of the week (Wednesday), we are having most of our celebrations for it the weekend (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) before...
  5. [Gladden] Second Annual Running of the Chickens

    Join The Warriors of Camelot in celebrating their 9th Kin Anniversary with the 2nd Annual Running of the Chickens on Friday, April 1st at 9:30pm EDT/6:30pm PDT. Turn yourself into a chicken and join...
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